Quick and simple guides for DeFi.
AMMs connect users who want to trade cryptocurrencies. If you want to swap ETH for USDC or vice versa, an AMM is where you can make that happen. AMMs provide liquidity using smart contracts instead of waiting for a buyer or seller to appear, which is how it happen in TradFi.
Money markets allow crypto users to lend assets and borrow against them via smart contracts. Interest rates for supplying and borrowing are based on the pool of funds and how much of this pool has been borrowed from. So if there’s 100 ETH in a pool and 99 ETH of that is lent, the APY will be higher for both lending and borrowing and fluctuate as users start and unwind positions.
Cross-chain bridges enable different blockchain networks to play nice and talk to each other. It’s how you can transfer assets like crypto coins and data seamlessly between blockchains such as Ethereum and BNB.
Cross-chain lending allows users to lend and borrow assets across different blockchains, making their crypto portfolios even more dynamic and interconnected. Have ETH on Arbitrum? Supply it there and borrow against it in Base. It offers financial flexibility without the constraints of staying on one chain.
A Decentralized Exchange (DEX) lets you trade crypto assets directly with another person, with no central authority involved. It’s like a farmer’s market for trading, where you get security, transparency, and control over your transactions — minus the annoying crowds.
Decentralized gaming and metaverse ecosystems allow players and developers to create, own, and monetize experiences in an open, community-driven environment. Imagine venturing into galaxies or building empires, all in a virtual space that a single cosmic overlord doesn’t control. Sounds kinda fun, right?
Decentralized perpetual exchanges give traders the thrill of high-leverage opportunities in a fully decentralized manner. Users can long or short tokens on these platforms, spot trade, and participate in various types of liquidity.
DEX Aggregators constantly check various decentralized exchanges for their pricing, and bring it all together in one place. This allows users to visit a single source and find out where they can get the best deal whether the want to buy or sell crypto.
PMMs are a type of automated market maker. The key difference between them and conventional AMMs is their ability to change parameters such as pool ratios and price curves. This makes them more adaptable to market conditions and flexible for different use cases.
It’s like the Kentucky Derby but without the smell of hay and overpriced mint juleps. Virtual horse racing brings the thrill of the track straight to your screen, letting you bet and cheer on your favorite digital steeds without ever stepping into manure.
Yield optimizes will sell rewards on your behalf and then add them back to your original position. For example, you have LP tokens of x+y. Z is the reward token. The optimizer sells z as it accumulates and buys more of the x+y LP tokens and adds them to your position.
YTPs puts a new spin on trading by tokenizing yield. facilitates the trading of various DeFi yields but also allows users to earn fixed yields and liquidity provision. To break it down, users can earn yield and this protocol also creates a market for selling and gambling on future yields. This is an incredibly advanced piece of tech that is only recommended for experienced traders.